Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Intellectual Empathy

*new* This song by EverLast reminds me of our discussions about empathy.

Empathy is imagining the situation from the point of view or position of another in a caring way.  Why would that be important in philosophy?  Why might it be helpful to have intellectual empathy in your post-collegiate life?

Intellectual Humility

In your syllabus, I urged you to consider the intellectual virtue of humility.   Because we discuss difficult and sensitive topics, many of which are informed by our own upbringing, you are asked to use your moral imagination, compassion, respect for others, as well as humility (not assuming that your point of view or conclusion is always right) when discussing in class and blogging.

How are you doing with this intellectual virtue?  Is it developing for you?  Explain.  Reflect on the importance of intellectual humility 
* in this class
* in other collegiate courses
* in your general life

Human Nature is essentially ...... ?

In class you gave these answers.  Elaborate and discuss them here.
* to leave a legacy
* to think in order to act
* learning
* social
* self-preservation
* aiming to please
* self-actualization of human potential

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Current Events November

*new* 5 Dec 11

2 Dec 11
(not exactly a current event, but a followup to a point of discussion in Weds.' class)
Medical Bankruptcy (info from 2009, but based on a national study)

Note:  "Medical impoverishment, although common in poor nations, 17,18 is almost unheard of in wealthy countries other than the US.19 Most provide a stronger safety net of disability income support. All have some form of national health insurance."  Himmelstein, Thorne, et al. study.

I have a question in to a lawyer friend about bankruptcy (I don't know if she knows specifically about medical bankruptcies).  I'll post more when I get her response.

10 Nov 11

Three severely brain-injured people thought to be in an irreversible “vegetative” state showed signs of full consciousness on a commonly used brain exam, doctors reported in the journal The Lancet.

9 Nov 11
A government report says the officials did nothing to correct sloppy practices at the facility in Dover, Del.

5 Nov 11
Doris V. Amen, the director of the Jurek-Park Slope Funeral Home in Brooklyn, says many customers appreciate her starting price of $1,999 for a wake.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

PAS Chpt 9

When we last saw our heroes, they were discussing topics such as whether all terminally ill persons would necessarily have to submit to a psychiatric evaluation before requesting PAS.  Further discussion?

I think also someone might have seen more recently polling regarding the moral acceptability of PAS?  If so, would you post that information here?

Is there more to say about the line between responsibility of a medical professional to his/her patient vs. to a family member?  Are the responsibilities different?

What will you do when faced with a friend/family member/patient/client who wants to do something about which you are morally undecided.  Perhaps you wouldn't do it yourself, but you're not certain that other people should be prevented from doing it.  How would you reason through the situation?

The Ancients: Plato & Aristotle

Comments & questions about Plato and/or Aristotle?